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Sunshine Coast MBA

Expectant Parents Info Session (December 2021)

Wed, 1 Dec 2021
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Join us for an informal event to meet other expecting families and have your most pressing questions answered!

The club is offering cuppas, some snacks and a goodie bag for all attendees, plus we will have our stash of free baby clothes to dig through and a baby carrier demonstration for any members who may want to learn about twin-babywearing. 

We'll also have some info about birth, feeding, sleep, car seats, prams and all of the real-life practicalities that come with multiples.

Please RSVP (get a free ticket) so we know who to cater for.

Hope to see you there! 

Ticket Type Price
FREE Ticket! $0.00 Sale Ended
Coast Life Midwifery
2/22 Beach Rd, Maroochydore QLD 4558, Australia

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, 4556, Australia

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